Pitjit massage in Aliran Gairah
A pitjit massage also works on mind and social well-being is therefore also a holistic massage. Ceroh, a scraping technique with a coin or stone is a common method, but it is not used in Aliran Gairah.
Pitjit comes from Bahasa Indonesia (the language of Indonesia) and means massage. Pitjitten was passed down from generation to generation according to the Adat. “Adat” means: tradition, habit and manners. Pitjit is known here by the Indian Dutch.
Method Pitjit massage
I start with the back, neck and shoulders, this is where most complaints arise and massage helps prevent these and resolves any complaints. Then the buttocks are massaged followed by the legs, calves and feet. You turn around and the head, face, chest and abdomen are massaged followed by the arms and hands. Finally, the legs and feet are massaged. The massage techniques effleurage, petrissage, vibration, and tapotage are used in addition to connective tissue massage by means of cupping with glass cups.
Pitjit massage works on a deep level of body, mind and social well-being and can be applied effectively to muscle pain and stress-related complaints.
Massage techniques relax cramped muscles, which also dissolves emotional tension and stress. It provides good blood flow and energy flow
Warm essential oil, kajaputi oil and heat-imparting essential oil and balm are used in addition to warm compresses.
De la Reijweg 689
2571 ES, The Hague
Pin payment is possible.
Chamber of Commerce no: 27373393
In principle, the practice is open daily from 11 am to 11 pm, by appointment only.
“Met het aanbieden van pitjit massage op verschillende plekken in Nederland wordt een deel van onze Indische cultuur nog behouden.”
In The Hague, the practice Aliran Gairah can be found 10 minutes from the center of The Hague in the rustenburg / oostbroek district, 2 minutes from the Zuiderpark and Veluweplein, 10 minutes from Rijswijk. Free parking until 6 pm.
Public transport from Hollands Spoor station (on the side of the Haagsche Hoge School at the back of the station) accessible by bus 26, which stops in front of the door, at the Barneveld street stop, From Central Station, tram 3, change to bus 25 stop de la reyweg, 5 minutes walk, tram 6, stop de la reyweg, 8 minutes walk.